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Tiny lessons in leadership.
Straight up.

Jackie Pelland relaxes her chin on her hand next to text that reads "Jack Chat Tiny lessons in leadership. Straight up."
Noticing More
Jack Chat S3 Ep 10: Ways to be more “noticing” of others.
Comfort in Convos
Jack Chat S3 Ep 9: How to get comfortable communicating the uncomfortable.
Creating Accountability
Jack Chat S3 Ep 8: Fostering an environment to encourage accountability.
Personal Accountability
Jack Chat S3 Ep 7: Important ways to hold yourself accountable.
Role Model Curiosity
Jack Chat S3 Ep 6: Important ways leaders can (and should) role model curiosity.
Failure to Learn
Jack Chat S3 Ep 5: A pattern of problem behaviors leaders should avoid.
Stuck Teams
Jack Chat S3 Ep 4: The uncommon downside of working on a team.
Jack Chat S3 Ep 3: Recognizing and addressing this divisive behavior.
Jack Chat S3 Ep 2: The importance of healthy teams.
Jack Chat S3 Ep 1: Why solo success may exist only in your imagination.
Mindful Listening
Jack Chat S2 Ep 10: How listening will make you a better leader.
Jack Chat S2 Ep 9: The truth behind motivation in the workplace.

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