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Invisible Glue

Change practitioners, those wizards behind the scenes orchestrating organizational transformations, possess a set of skills that make them super-effective in leading change. Yet, pinpointing what makes them excel can be as elusive as grasping air. We’ve coined this phenomenon as the “invisible glue” – those intangible abilities that bind together successful change agents in their endeavors.


At the heart of effective change lies influence. It’s the subtle art of steering the course without overtly steering the ship. Change managers meticulously arrange each piece of a project to keep it moving in the right direction. Similarly, influence in change management involves strategic conversations and behind-the-scenes maneuvers that pave the way for seamless transitions. It’s about being the behind-the-scenes mastermind, orchestrating outcomes before they unfold.

Systems Thinking

Change is seldom linear; it’s a complex web of interconnected components. Enter systems thinking – the ability to view the organization as a dynamic ecosystem where every action reverberates. Change practitioners with a systems thinking mindset anticipate interdependencies and navigate complexity with finesse. They see the big picture while understanding the intricate details, ensuring that change initiatives align with the organization’s goals.

Chaos Pilot

Embracing chaos may sound counterintuitive, yet it’s a hallmark of effective change practitioners. They thrive in the midst of uncertainty. While others may panic, you remain steadfast, adapting to turbulence and charting a course to calmer skies. Change agents who embrace chaos are not deterred by setbacks; instead, they see them as opportunities for growth and transformation.


Change seldom occurs in stagnant waters; it requires a disruptor, an agitator who challenges the status quo. Change practitioners who embrace their role as agitators aren’t afraid to ask the hard questions and provoke thought-provoking conversations. It’s these discussions with the right people that keep change initiatives moving and bring clarity to the project.

Righteous Responsibility

Finally, effective change practitioners embody a sense of righteous responsibility. They recognize the profound impact of their work on individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole. These are the people who will get it done no matter what. Even if it’s not “their job,” they will make sure the work gets done the right way to ensure success.

As you reflect on these invisible glue skills, consider how they resonate with your own approach to change management. Do you possess the subtle art of influence, the strategic mindset of a systems thinker, the courage to embrace chaos, the audacity to be an agitator, and the sense of righteous responsibility? If so, leverage these skills to elevate your change role to new heights.

Develop Your Skills

If you want to develop your invisible skills, check out Slingshot25’s course offerings, including The CRASH Course in Change, and for a more in-depth class for practitioners, The Navigating Change Masterclass.

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