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Inner Work

Welcome to this episode of Jack Chat and another tiny lesson in leadership, straight up.

Today, I’d like to take you on a journey. It’s a short journey that can take a really long time. It’s a journey to your inner self. 

Leaders know that a great “outer game” starts with a great “inner game.” So let’s talk about that inner game.

There are two key points I think you’ll find useful here:

You are indeed a unique combination of genetics and experiences. There is literally no one else like you. Unless you are an identical twin…then, there’s that one person who is actually a lot like you. For everyone else….you think, feel and act in unique ways. And it’s important you do the work to notice the patterns of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Tools like assessments, journaling or quality coaching can help here.

The purpose for doing this inner work is not a mission of self-focus…it is to improve your outer game – your impact on others. You, like everyone else, live and work with others. Successful leaders learn to notice and pay attention to their inner narratives, preferences, insecurities, strengths, etc.. SO THAT they can best serve the world around them.

Let’s get you started with a few self-reflection questions to help you do your “inner work.”

  • How well do I understand my unique patterns of thoughts, feelings and actions?
  • How would I describe my general impact on others?
  • How often do I expect others to think and act like me?

Give those questions some thought…and join me again for another chat!

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