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Future-Proofed Leadership

The Future of Leadership in an AI-Driven World
In a recent future workplace survey, a staggering 64% of employees expressed that they would trust a robot more than their manager. As specialists in leadership development, this statistic caught our attention and spurred us to reflect on its implications.

What Does This Mean for Managers?
Initially, this sentiment signifies that employees believe they could get the guidance they need from a robot without dealing with their manager’s negative traits. They might think a robot could provide clear work instructions, direction, and performance feedback without the complexities and emotional baggage that often come with human managers. Robots wouldn’t have bad days, egos, or the sometimes unfair high accountability that can make human interactions challenging.

Future-Proofing Leadership Against AI
AI is evolving rapidly, excelling at tasks like strategizing, planning, and processing vast amounts of information. However, AI lacks the profound human touch essential for effective leadership. This includes skills like humility, genuine curiosity, empathy, and believing in others.

AI can simulate curiosity, but it doesn’t possess the genuine desire to understand human experiences. It can’t read expressions, interpret body language, or be present in a way that fosters real empathy. These are the areas where human leaders can truly excel. Leaders who don’t want to be replaced by AI need to hone these human skills. 

Stay Focused on People
These skills often get sidelined when work pressures mount as leaders focus on tactical tasks like planning and managing. While these tasks are important, leaders should ask themselves, “What value am I adding to the people around me?” and “How can I improve these human skills?” 

At Slingshot25, we are “all in” when it comes to helping leaders develop these human skills. Check out our free articles, videos, and podcasts on all things leadership on our website. If you’re ready to invest deeper in your development, we offer several development and training programs, including our Truth of Leading Others program, that have been proven to help build great leaders.

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