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Belief in Others

Welcome to this episode of Jack Chat and another tiny lesson in leadership, straight up.

In this episode, I’d like to share with you an incredibly powerful and often overlooked leadership skill. 

It’s the skill of believing in others.

The willingness to take a leap of faith in the potential of another is a fundamental role of leaders. When you think about it – drawing out the talents of others is practically the definition of leadership. 

Believing in another person’s potential can be easy when things are going great. It’s when they make a mistake or struggle to meet expectations, that keeping the faith can be much harder.

And sometimes those mistakes can create real problems.

(Jack talking on phone in car…) “Yeah, I’ve got those important papers that you needed right here. Yep, I’m bringing them right over. I’ll see you in a few minutes. OK, BYE.” 
(Car drives away leaving papers on ground.)

This is exactly when leaders who excel at believing in others stand out and those who don’t… well, they often resort to micromanaging or blaming.

Here are a couple self-reflection questions to help you:

  • When has my belief in another person created positive outcomes?
  • When have I failed to believe in others? What got in the way?

Give these questions some thought, keep leading… and join me again for another chat!

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