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Unmasking the Team Bully

Unmasking a Team Bully

We’ve all been there—working with someone who just doesn’t click with us. Maybe they have a different communication style, or perhaps their personality simply doesn’t mesh well with ours. 

This is part of the reality of professional life: we don’t always get to choose our teammates, and we move from team to team throughout our careers, adapting to new dynamics. Developing the interpersonal skills to work with a variety of people is crucial. However, there’s one type of person no one should ever have to endure on a team: the bully.

When you hear the term “bully,” you might immediately conjure up images of a schoolyard tyrant who pushes others around and takes what isn’t theirs. And while overt bullying does happen in the workplace, it’s far more likely to show up in subtle, sophisticated ways.

As a leader, your responsibility is to recognize and address this harmful behavior before it derails your team’s performance and culture.

So, how do you spot the workplace bully? It often requires looking beyond the obvious. Here are some key questions to help you unmask the more covert forms of bullying:

  • Is someone on your team withholding information from others? This can be a power move designed to limit another team member’s ability to succeed.
  • Do they manipulate outcomes by withdrawing from discussions or refusing to engage? Passive tactics like these can disrupt decision-making and undermine team trust.
  • Are they criticizing others behind their backs? A toxic team member might gossip or tear down their colleagues when they’re not around, eroding team unity.
  • Are they controlling the team culture with a persistently negative attitude? Some individuals create a heavy, hostile atmosphere that discourages open communication and collaboration.

    If you notice any of these behaviors on your team, don’t ignore them. Allowing a bully to persist in a team setting doesn’t just damage the morale of their targets—it drains the energy and productivity of the entire group.

Your role as a leader is to create an environment where every voice can be heard and every person feels respected. Addressing bullying head-on may feel uncomfortable, but it’s essential for your team to thrive. Start by calling out the behavior, setting clear expectations for conduct, and taking steps to restore a healthy, collaborative culture.

Teamwork is challenging enough without the added strain of a bully. Let’s ensure our teams are places where people feel empowered, not intimidated. That’s how serious work can be fun—and productive!

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